February 8, 2007 · File under Things that suck
I swear to god, it only just now occurred to me: When the pizza guy brings your pizza, and he...October 20, 2006 · File under Things that suck
This just in via email: "i guess what really pisses me off is how [name of coworker] tells me all...March 28, 2006 · File under Found · File under Things that suck
From: aarnfq5hh@halifax.com Subject: pie Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 11:22:44 -0600 coldFebruary 13, 2006 · File under Things that suck
I buy tons of stuff from Amazon, and here's a brief Amazonecdote. (And an Amazantidote.) Of late, Amazon has settled...A collection of posts about things that suck, and posts that suck about things that don't suck.
grumdrig (gh)
grumdrig (bb)
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